A Memorable Morning Encounter with a Family of Lynxes

Imagine waking up one morning to the sound of playful commotion outside your front door. That’s exactly what happened to Tim Newton, a resident of Alaska and a passionate animal lover. Little did he know that this would be a day he would never forget.


Living on a property that borders a vast natural area, Tim often witnesses the wonders of wildlife passing through his yard. But on this particular day, something extraordinary happened – a whole family of lynxes decided to make themselves at home on his doorstep.


As Tim cautiously drew back the curtain, he was met with a heartwarming sight. A lynx kitten, just a few feet away, caught his eye. And as he observed, the rest of the family scampered by in a playful frenzy.

The lynxes didn’t just pass by Tim’s house; they turned his doorstep into their own personal playground. They lined up in front of him, as if to introduce themselves, before frolicking around on his terrace and in his yard.

Captivated by this unexpected encounter, Tim couldn’t believe his luck. He grabbed his camera and started capturing the magical moments before him. The lynx kittens chased and pounced on each other, filling the air with joy and excitement.


For Tim, who had only caught a few glimpses of lynxes in the wild, this close and personal interaction was a dream come true. These elusive creatures are known for their elusiveness, making encounters like this incredibly rare and special.

After a little while, the kittens raced off into the yard, their energy seemingly boundless. But just as Tim thought the playful episode was coming to an end, he heard the mother lynx calling from the lawn. As he glanced out his screen door, he witnessed a truly astonishing sight.

One by one, all seven of the lynx kittens made their way back onto Tim’s deck, followed closely by their mother. The scene left Tim in awe, amazed at the sheer number of cats on his balcony.

For the next 40 minutes, Tim watched with delight as the lynx family continued their playful escapades. Chasing, rolling, and tumbling with each other, they created a spectacle that will forever be etched in Tim’s memory.

Observing the boisterous kittens, Tim couldn’t help but admire their mother’s patience and dedication. He mused that lynxes must spend 1% of their waking time chasing rabbits, and the other 99% chasing after their spirited offspring.

As quickly as the encounter had begun, it came to an end. Sensing that the time for fun and games was over, the mother lynx herded her cubs and led them back into the forest. Tim could only describe the whole event as nothing short of miraculous.

Throughout the entire encounter, the lynxes seemed oblivious to Tim’s presence, except for one curious kitten who pressed against the screen door. Raising the camera, Tim hoped to catch a perfect shot, but the lynx had other plans.

This morning rendezvous with the playful lynx family reminded Tim of the treasures that nature has to offer. It was a reminder of the beauty and wonder that surrounds us, often just waiting to be discovered in our own backyards.

With a heart full of gratitude, Tim cherished the memories and the stunning photographs he captured, forever reminding him of the day he welcomed a lynx family onto his doorstep.

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