A Heartwarming Tale: 69-Year-Old Retiree Rescues Abandoned Dog and Her Puppies


I really cannot understand how anyone can abuse innocent and loving animals, especially their own pets. Our furry friends are nothing but loyal and deserve all the love in the world. Unfortunately, not everyone thinks so. For some people, pets are considered disposable and only valuable until they become “cute” and “useful”.

When they become a burden, these ruthless people abandon them. This heartbreaking story happened to a precious dog named Coraline. When he was 8 or 10, he was brutally thrown from a moving car in rural Kentucky. The owner abandoned it and left it alone on the road. To make matters worse, Coraline was not only old, but pregnant. It is really difficult to understand the depth of such insensitivity.

Fortunately, when Coraline was found and rescued, her story took a positive turn. But his suffering did not end when he was transported to the death camp, where he faced an unknown and miserable fate.

That’s when Art Shaul, a compassionate 69-year-old retiree from St. Petersburg, Florida. Arta has always had a deep love for animals and has made it her mission to help save countless homeless dogs.


Lifelong devotion to animals
My affinity for art and animals started at a young age. He tragically died from injuries sustained when he was hit by a car while holding his dog as a child. This terrible incident lit a fire inside her and strengthened her resolve to protect and care for animals in need. Despite the fact that the animal shelter where Coraline lives is hundreds of kilometers away, Arta is not discouraged.


He quickly got into the car and made the long drive to adopt Coraline. Because she knew she could make a difference in her life. After arriving at the shelter, Art made sure the back seat of his car was as comfortable as possible for Coraline and they both headed home. Art had no idea it would be such a great adventure. surprise delivery
When Art and Coraline crossed the state line into Florida, Art looked in the back seat and noticed that Coraline was in labor. Amazingly, her first puppy arrived a few minutes later!

“I was a little surprised. “I was excited but scared at the same time,” Art recalls.

Car birth was far from ideal, but Art did his best to create a safe environment for Coraline and her newborn. There was even a knife ready to cut the navel if necessary.


We sincerely welcome our new family member.
Coraline has successfully given birth to six healthy and adorable puppies. Thanks to Art’s unwavering determination, they all found loving homes, including Coraline herself.

Coraline is rotting. “He really deserves it after everything he’s been through.” Art said proudly.

It is unfortunate that there are people who treat animals as mere objects or accessories. But it’s comforting to know that there are people like Arta who are doing their best to support and protect these innocent creatures.

Art’s selfless actions not only created a better future for Coraline and her pups, but also restored our faith in humanity. Let’s celebrate and share these heartwarming stories to spread a message of love and compassion for all animals.


If this heartbreaking story brought a smile to your face, please like and share so we can inspire others with this beautiful testimony of kindness and love!

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